IT Assessment

Tek Solutions offers a comprehensive IT Assessment and will deliver an unbiased view of the agencies technology, processes, people and governance.

The purpose of a comprehensive IT assessment is to review your existing IT infrastructure for strengths, weaknesses and methods for improvement.  The ultimate goal of the assessment is to develop a safer and more useful IT infrastructure to better serve the agencies' business. 

Tek Solutions's  comprehensive IT assessment is a service delivered by highly experienced professionals with experience within your agency's systems, processes and technology to ensure you pick the best possible metrics.

Our IT professionals will review your current IT practices, including both standard operating procedures and the methods actually used by your employees, to identify areas of improvements. This is an outcome driven assessment; Tek Solutions will be compensated based on the identified opportunities that are accepted by the agency.

Common observations in State and Federal Agencies

1.Diverse technology base with overlapping functionality

2.Lack of guidelines and standards

3.Undocumented applications base requiring expensive maintenance

Our assessment strategy is driven by

  • Ability to support
  • Scalability
  • Stability
  • Maturity
  • Complexity
  • Business criticality
  • Business impact
  • Usage of the infrastructure/application

We will streamline application inventories through the following measurable Key potential outcomes(measurable)

  • Cost Reduction
  • Objective improvement in productivity
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Single view of application data with control and maintenance protocols
  • Eliminate redundant applications
  • Increase quality and standards across the 3 layers of process, application and data